The Energy of True Love

The Twin Flame Energy of True Love, in every form, is a divine gift straight from the source. No matter what you choose to call that source: God, Allah, Buddha, Mother Tara, Jesus, Ra, or even the Spaghetti God, it is the source of all true loving creative energy that brings life to everything. 

While we are busy looking for true love, we will never find it. Why? Because when we are actively looking for love, we are looking for the fulfilment of a specific expectation that ticks a box on our checklist. It has to fit in with the regulations and standards we have set for it. It has to look a particular way, behave a certain way or have certain qualities that make us tick another box on our list of expectations.

When we set out to look for love, we naturally have a set of qualities that we are looking for in a potential partner.  They might be based on physical qualities, their employment and bank account statements, their potential parenting abilities or even just their ability to make us laugh. 

Now, while there is absolutely nothing wrong with having standards and preferences, they block us from seeing the people we meet, for who they truly are, on a much deeper level. If we are only looking for someone considered “attractive” by society’s norms, we will fail to see the revelations of their soul. 

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As a woman, I had expectations of romanticism. However, since encountering my twin flame, I discovered that true, unconditional, love is not romantic at all. Yep, you read me right. I said that true unconditional love is not romantic in the slightest. There is no knight on a fiery white steed. No fluffy clouds and no Angels playing harpsicle lyres. 

Don’t get me wrong, true love does have loving and romantic gestures but true love itself is not romantic. 

It is difficult. It is challenging. It can be incredibly painful and it is not for the faint of heart. But, when it is true love and not a fake manipulated version, it will make us grow and glow up. It will give us back everything we allowed society, failed relationships and life experiences to take away from us. It will push us beyond our limited mindset and self-imposed limitations. It sets us free from every prison we have ever trapped ourselves in; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

True love is the powerful driving force behind creativity. It motivates us to be better, do better and achieve more. True love empowers us. 

So, while we focus on seeing in a potential partner everything that ticks our boxes, we are only looking at half the picture to satisfy our self-serving needs. However, we are not looking at the rest of reality. When we only see half the picture, we end up disappointed when we discover the other half does not match up with our expectations at all. 

In the beginning of a relationship, someone might disguise the other half of the true colours but, sooner or later the mask falls. Similarly, when we’re too grounded in the physical, we can be so focused on how great the sex is that we turn a blind eye to all the red flags being waved in our faces.  Sexual energy is the most powerful and alchemic energy this world has, which is why it can be used equally for light magic as well as dark magic. 

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When we use it for white magic, we can heal the world. When we use it for dark magic, it becomes self-serving and blinding. The thing about dark magic, though, is that when the light finally reaches it, it shines on everything that was hidden. All truths come to light and what is seen can never be unseen. It is precisely at that moment that a relationship, with no real connection, will break down.

This is a problem in today’s society because everyone wants true love but, apparently, they only want it if it matches their physical illusions and expectations, i.e. good at sex, has a fat bank account, nice car or nice property. Or, they only want it if it comes from where (or who) they want it to or how they want it to and not from the way (or the person) the Divine sends into their life. 

There are only so many times we can verbally beat it, reject it, chew it up and spit it out (so to speak) before the Divine takes it away from us because we didn’t want it. 

If we consistently ask the Divine for help but reject the Divine gifts we’re sent, we reject the Divine itself – and that path will only lead to the destruction of everything – because when we reject Divine gifts, we become self-serving and fall onto the dark path.

We may pray for money to survive. So, the Divine sends us a client. We deceive the client and they refuse to work with us any more. After that encounter, we may see a decline in clients. We may even go out of business. Why? Because by deceiving the client, we mistreat a gift from the Divine, especially if the client trusts you and depends on your help.  

The less appreciation and gratitude we show towards the client, and the money they are bringing us, in response to our prayers, the more we become self-serving and turn our back on the Divine because there is no heart in the service we provide. 

If this happens once or twice, the Divine will eventually stop helping us because our behaviour emits an energy of rejection. We reject Divine gifts because are too wrapped up in our selfishness and because, as mentioned above, something doesn’t fit with our self-serving intentions. This type of behaviour is incredibly self-sabotaging and detrimental to true love and business. 

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If we do wrong by someone, human nature is to repay with the same coin we are given.  So, naturally, they will wrong us. This is karmic justice. This is true karma. We reap what we sow, which is why we should be authentic, grateful, appreciative and helpful.  It takes a very very strong, grounded and fully awakened spiritual person to turn the other cheek, and not repay someone with the same coin, despite being wronged. That is an act of true Divine love. Yet, we take it for granted because we mistake their kindness for weakness. 

If we look for superficial qualities, we will end up with superficial relationships. It takes a very very strong and spiritual person to turn the other cheek, and not repay someone with the same coin, despite being wronged. That is an act of true Divine love. 

If we could all act like that, we would achieve world peace as well as find our true Divine love counterpart – our one and only True Twin Flame who will make us invincible and turn us into the beautiful Divine powerful beings we are meant to be so we can shine our light in the world and bring peace and love to it. 

People say Twin Flames are chosen ones but I believe that we are all chosen because we are born, but some of us stray from the chosen Divine path. Twin Flames only stand out because despite walking through the fires of hell, they cleansed themselves and became ready to truly serve the Divine. That is what the Twin Flame’s mission is – to be of service to help humanity by working for the Divine. 

It might not seem exciting to some but, for those of you who struggle with money, let me just say the perks, holiday time and the salary are beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, and the freedom is priceless. 

Personal Development, the ego, Overcoming Challenges Mental Health Positive Mindset Inspirational Content Transformation Self-Improvement Empowerment Mindfulness Coaching Onlince course Venerina V2V Method PSYCHOLOCY PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS
Personal Development, the Ego, Overcoming Challenges Mental Health Positive Mindset Inspirational Content Transformation Self-Improvement Empowerment Mindfulness Coaching Onlince course Venerina V2V Method


Personal Development, the Ego, Overcoming Challenges Mental Health Positive Mindset Inspirational Content Transformation Self-Improvement Empowerment Mindfulness Coaching Onlince course Venerina V2V Method, overcome procrastination, worry, anxiety, overthinking

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