In this modern post-Covid19 era, there are more people than ever before suffering from fear and mental health issues. I read online that it is predicted that 50% of the global population will suffer from some form of mental health issue by the age of 75. This is alarming, to say the least.
If we looked at the majority of these mental health issues in greater detail, we would probably find that most of them come from some form of fear.
Now, although fear is a natural emotion, it is designed in such a way that it physiologically prepares us for the fight or flight response, which you may have heard of. Basically, when we are threatened in some way, the brain sends a signal to the hypothalamus, which triggers the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones to prepare us to stand and fight for our life or run for it.
I’m not going to go into the scientific details about what chemically happens in the body when we are in a state of fear. However, you must know, from your own experience, that the obvious responses are an increase in heart rate, faster breathing and heightened senses. If we were in a situation of imminent danger, these responses would help us to be more alert and respond quickly.

But, how many of us are actually in physical danger on a day-to-day basis? Probably not very many compared to the number of people suffering mental health issues due to fear.
The honest reality is that most of the fears we experience, nowadays, are psychological. They take the form of imagined threats, which are created within the mind. Have you heard the saying: “The worst thing about fear is the fear of fear itself?”
This may sound controversial and some people may not want to read it, but the majority of psychological fears are completely unfounded and/or blown out of proportion within the mind; making them irrational to the point of becoming chronic and debilitating.
I don’t mean this detrimentally, because worry, for example, which causes fear, is a part of our human nature. So too is creating imaginary scenarios of possible, yet unrealistic, outcomes in our minds. When our mind is engulfed with fear we imagine, and expect, the worst instead of calmly waiting for the outcome in accordance with how things naturally unfold.
Most fears are born from our beliefs, an experience we had, something someone said to us, something we read, or our own insecurities. This is why each individual’s fear is very personal to them and why each of us will have a unique perception of what constitutes a threat.
When we allow our fears to become chronic or irrational, they can lead to avoidance behaviours, social isolation, neglect of self-care, and loss of interest in life in general; preventing us from pursuing our dreams, going after new opportunities, healthy relationships and the list goes on.

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As far as mental health is concerned, fear can lead to:
- Anxiety disorders, panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, and phobias.
- PTSD, (post-traumatic stress disorder,) which can develop after a traumatic event. A sufferer may have flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance of triggers, and persistent feelings of fear, anxiety, and/or anger.
- Depression, which can be triggered by feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and loss of control.
- Feelings of despair and a sense of being trapped; mentally and emotionally.
- Substance abuse as people use drugs, alcohol and even food as a way to cope with their fears and anxieties.
- Social isolation and loneliness as sufferers find it difficult to relate to, or interact with, others.
As far as the physical body is concerned, and according to global and ancestral Holistic and Naturopathic health practices, chronic fear can lead to:
- Fatigue and weakness
- Urinary and reproductive problems
- Metabolic and digestive problems
- Sleep disorders
- Chronic pain; especially in the lower back, knees and feet.
- Headaches, migraines and problems with the eyes.
- Cardiovascular problems
- Lymphatic issues
- Cancer
This list is only an example.
The only way to eliminate our fears, and improve our mental health, is to face them head-on in order to release them. The only way we can do that is by honestly acknowledging where they come from, and how we construct them. We need to identify negative thought patterns, negative beliefs and negative behaviours associated with fear in order to change them. We need to be mindful so we can prevent ourselves from falling back into negativity.
This is what we aim to do with my V2V Method – where I take you from Victimhood to Victory. It is a new transformational course aimed at restoring mental, emotional and physical well-being; empowering people to take control of their mind, balance their emotions and restore physical health.