Twin Flame Love is not for the faint of heart. In a previous article I wrote, called: The Echoes of Unrequited Love: Navigating the Depths of Emotion, which can be found HERE we saw how we can confuse attraction with love. In this article, we will take a look at the profound impact true love can have on us and our lives.
True love is not a fleeting illusion. It does not change when we feel let down by the person we are attracted to, just because they did not live up to the fantasy we have created about them in our mind. Love is an unwavering force that survives every challenge, and stands the test of time, as well as adversity, and personal evolution.
Having worked in the wedding industry, I often asked brides and grooms if they had a romantic story to share and what made them fall in love with each other. You might find it surprising to hear that many people did not have a reason.
Love, when it exists between people, does not need a reason for being. It is not biased based on looks, affluence, money or any other material factor. Love simply exists. If we consider Twin Flame Love as the ultimate example of the highest possible love that directly reflects Divine Love on earth, then love manifests as a very powerful energy that pulls two people together with a force similar to that of two magnets.
When love is true, the more we try to ignore it, the more it grows. Nothing and nobody can ever break the bond; not even the two people involved, should they decide to ignore it or live in denial of it. When two people feel true love for each other, it is as if there is an invisible, and unbreakable, energetic chord that spans an eternity of time and space. It is so strong that it overcomes all challenges. It is all forgiving and a source of inspired creativity.
Do not get me wrong, true love is not a romantic fairytale as we are brought up to believe through cinematographic portrails of love. It is not a bed of roses. It is put to the test many times but it never fails because true love is unconditional. True love challenges us. It challenges how we view ourselves. It mirrors back at us every aspect of who we are. It turns us upside down and inside out, and makes us grow.
When true love exists between two people it is very difficult to pinpoint the moment it started or what particular “something” made them fall in love. It simply feels as if love has always been there. People suffering from limerence can pinpoint a specific thing and/or a specific moment in time when the love started. It might be triggered by a look or a smile, a scent, a hug, a location or something similar that triggers a memory related to emotions associated with love.
For example: Two people meet in a park, filled with the scent of fresh roses, near a pond. One person experiences the surroundings as a pleasant place but feels no special attachment to it or to us. However, the person who experiences limerence may be emerging from a difficult time. The park may be the place they visited with their loved ones, during childhood. The emotions attached to those childhood memories create a sense of safety and a time when everything in the world seemed perfect. Those memories and emotions are reinforced by the scent of the roses and any other stimuli received through the senses.
Feeling the love in the memory of the lost family days, our ego intervenes and wants to hold on to that feeling. So we project those feelings onto the person in front of us who is the object of our attraction. We create a belief that the love we are feeling, within ourselves, is coming from the person we are attracted to. But, in essence, we are directing our own feelings of love at them.
Anyone who has encountered true love would tell you they have been changed for life. As I mentioned before, true love turns your entire being and life upside down and inside out. We can choose to ignore it and/or live in denial of it but it will always be there. It will be omnipresent in our hearts even if we bury it in the recesses of our minds. Once we have found it, it is impossible to get away from it. Ironically, the deeper we try and bury it, the stronger it grows.
Anyone who has encountered their Twin Flame will tell you that they have a feeling of being “home” but not in a physical place. It is a “home” that is akin to the source of all “being.” It is the place of existentialism itself where all life started. What do I mean by this? I mean that it is the silent home where everything began and yet, where everything just is and has no beginning or end. It is the place where we belong and fit like a hand in a soft velvety glove. It is the supreme place of solace and refuge. It is where everything feels right and complete.
Energetically, it is that place where time stands still and there is only silence. There is little awareness of the physical world or anything going on in the surrounding environment. I can only compare it to the peace, unity and beauty that is felt during a near-death experience, which is the time we are at our closest to the Divine without being dead.
The Unveiling of Authenticity
- No Illusions, Just Reality: True love dismantles illusions. When we are genuinely in love, we see our partners for who they are — flaws, quirks, and all. There is no need for romanticised fantasies; reality becomes enchanting in its authenticity.
- Embracing Imperfections: In the realm of true love, imperfections are not blemishes but rather unique strokes on the canvas of a person’s character. The quirks we once deemed peculiar become endearing, woven into the tapestry of our shared experiences.
The Catalyst for Personal Growth
- A Mirror to Our True Selves: Authentic love serves as a mirror, reflecting our true selves. It encourages introspection and self-awareness, challenging us to confront our insecurities, fears, and unresolved issues. In the journey of love, we find the courage to confront and overcome our internal obstacles.
- Empowering Independence: Contrary to the notion of dependency, true love fosters independence. It allows individuals to stand on their own while still being part of a shared journey. The strength derived from love empowers us to navigate life’s challenges independently, knowing we have a supportive partner by our side.
The Transformative Power of True Love
- Turning the World Upside Down: True love is not a passive force; it is dynamic and transformative. It has the power to turn our world upside down, reshaping perspectives, priorities, and aspirations. The mundane becomes extraordinary, and the ordinary becomes extraordinary.
- Reclaiming Lost Pieces: In the throes of genuine love, we rediscover lost facets of ourselves. It becomes a journey of self-reclamation, where love acts as a catalyst for personal restoration. The fragments we may have given away to negative influences are returned, making us whole once more.
The Freedom of True Love
- Walking Away and Letting Be: True love is liberating. It grants us the freedom to walk away if needed, not out of detachment but out of respect for individuality. The depth of love is measured not by possession but by the willingness to let the other be free and authentic.
- Standing Strong Alone: Love, in its truest form, is not about dependency; it is about interdependence. It is recognising that each person in the relationship is strong independently. This realisation allows us to stand strong alone while enriching each other’s lives.
The Essence of True Love
In essence, true love is not a static destination; it is a dynamic journey. It is not confined to idealised notions but flourishes in the messy beauty of reality. It is a force that propels us towards growth, self-discovery, and a profound connection with another soul.
So, as we navigate the vast landscape of love, let us cherish the moments of authenticity, celebrate the transformative power, and embrace the freedom that true love offers. For in the dance of genuine affection, we discover not only the beauty of the other but also the profound beauty within ourselves.