WOW!!!! WOOOOOO ….. Happy Sunday everyone! How exciting to wake up to emails telling me people have liked my first post about my 90 Day Internet challenge. AND, (BONUS) subscribed to me! I am so grateful. Thank you for the encouragement.

Honestly, I felt like a numpty yesterday! Try not to laugh please! As you know I had my first post all written. I was amazed that I got that far! WordPress doesn’t seem to be as easy as it use to be decades ago; when I published my first article on the Internet. That was waaaaaayyyyyy back in the day before Facebook even existed.

For you young people out there it’s probably difficult to imagine an Internet with no Facebook, no Instagram and little more than a few communities and forums. But, you know what, they were happy days! The same people joined the same forums and communities. We got to know each other, we became virtual friends and some of those friendships have lasted over 20 plus years. Sadly, some of those lovely people are no longer with us but it’s really beautiful that we made bonds of friendships similar to those in real life.

Anyway, I double checked my post yesterday, I hit publish and quickly went over to Facebook to promote it to my friends and family only to be sent a screenshot of my blog, by two friends, that had a blue box on it saying “Coming soon.” – Whaaaaaaaaaaattt?

So, I immediately headed back to WordPress. The blog looked published. It said it was published … but then, somehow I stumbled upon a button saying: “Publish Website.” Huh? ….

I didn’t even know I had a website! I thought a blog was just a blog and a website was a separate thing. Ok, well … lesson learned! But … I still couldn’t figure out how to delete the pages I didn’t want. You probably noticed all the extra birds flying around the screen. I left them there until I finally found the right buttons.

You young savvies out there are probably thinking there was some kind of strategy involved. I would just loooovvveee to say that I did something clever … but no … alas … I’m coming clean. I randomly clicked on every button until something happened! My heart was pounding and my palms were getting sweaty at the thought of accidentally deleting my hard work!

Lesson 1 – It’s probably a good idea to learn the app or software or site or whatever techy thing it is BEFORE you publish online!!!

Lesson 2 – There are cheat ways to get social media subscribers, likes, shares and so on. Yep! Totally legit and I tried it for myself and got an extra 20 subscribers in 2 days.

How did I not know that? My personal YouTube channel has been stuck at 12 subscribers for a year and my anonymous one has been stuck at 511 for 2 years. Can anyone else relate to that?

So, let me give you the link to This site. Click it! It’s free! Basically, you can watch YouTube videos, like, subscribe etc to other people’s sites in exchange for points. Once you have collected enough points, you can then use those to have people like, share, subscribe etc to you!

Day 1, 2, 3 Lesson learned, challenge, 90 day challenge

Step 1 – Sign up for free

Step 2 – Scroll down the menu on the left hand side

Step 3 – Click on one of the items you see in this image on the left and a job will come up. Each person who has posted the job will give you a credit of “x” amount of points. The more points you accumulate, the more buying power you have when it comes to your own website or YouTube channel.

Step 4 – Once you have your points, you can click on Add Site/Link and set up your own request.

Step 5 – Decide how many points you’re going to give every person who completes your request and voila!

I got 20 subscribers in 2 days because:

A) I was generous with my points AND

B) I’m watching so many “online marketing tutorials,” learning the jargon, creating content, creating new websites, blogs and living my life that I don’t have much time to get many points. BUT … I do go on there, for long enough, to get 100-200 points each day. Then, I convert them into Youtube subscribers.

If you have a bit more time than me, need more organic traffic (I think that’s the term for it) – This Site can help you! As far as I can tell, you can literally get 1000s of subscribers for free.

Of course, I could just be reinventing the wheel and all of you who know more than me, could be like:

“Dude this has been around for years!” Actually, as I’m a woman and not a man, if you don’t mind, I’d rather be referred to as a “Dudette” – please!

Lesson 3 – The principles of starting any online business is just the same as any offline business, and should be treated as such.

I know this seems like a banal thing to say. BUT … I think at our “youthful, tender age of over half a century”, coming online can be daunting because we don’t understand the lingo. We find it hard to navigate sites like WordPress. We don’t understand how funnels work because the only time we used one was to pour water out of one bottle into another!

Young people today may be more tech savvy than us. However, what we bring to the table, and gives us an edge, is experience; especially if, like me, you’ve been a freelancer and/or entrepreneur nearly all your life.

We’re not done for yet!

But, have I made any money in 2 days? – Ummm …. well …. That would be a No! BUT … hey, Rome wasn’t built in 2 days either!

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2 Responses

  1. Thanks for some great info. I always create my posts offline in word and save them before I copy and paste them to my blog or page. I also exported my site and saved that offline, although I have not tried restoring it yet. Since I have the original in word, the export is probably redundant. Thanks again for a great post.

    1. Thank you to you Joseph. Thank you for commenting as well. It’s nice to virtually meet you. That is some good advice for me too. Perhaps I should write offline and then upload to avoid any more of my genius moves! (Not!) LOL …. Luckily, nothing was lost but I’m trying to learn as much as I can about WordPress. It’s still very early days. Today was epic … *I sigh in frustration* … I’ll post about it tomorrow. Have a lovely rest of your Sunday and thank you again! Take care.

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