After all that hard work spent on AMF, that I recommended in my previous blog posts, exchanging points for subscribers – just take a look at this! The subscriber number is almost back down to where it was for the entirety of last year.

So, people obviously subscribe to get the points, in AMF, but then they unsubscribe. I also read on a random site, somewhere, that purchased subscribers – are not actually physical people, they’re bots and for some reason, bots don’t seem to like bots! Conclusion: – subscribers have to be organic. In order to be organic, we have to produce content that is going to interest them!

However, it doesn’t mean we can’t use AMF for something like post likes. It’s just a hunch but I think people would be less likely to unlike a post than unsubscribe. In any case, don’t waste your hard earned cash on buying subscribers. It doesn’t work!

That, my friends, has been the biggest lesson in week one!

My suggestion would be to strike friendships with genuine people on YouTube and exchange subscriptions so that we all help each other out. There is far more power in collaboration!

So, I spent days 5, 6 and today 7 (and I’m still working) setting up my new rebranded website (with its own blog with one or two affiliate links,) rebranding myself & my on and offline services, writing lots of content, producing shorts for YouTube, sharing my experiences with you, watching more video tutorials and starting a brand new YouTube channel that I hope will showcase some of the amazing natural wonders of this world. Some of places, that due to natural disasters of the last decade or so, are no longer standing. Since, I’ve personally travelled to, and worked in, 42 countries, I have a modest collection of a couple hundred thousand digital photographs to (slowly but surely) share with the world. Someone has also suggested I document this 90 day challenge with YouTube videos. What do you all think?

My biggest discovery this week has been Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it’s changing the face of the Internet and Internet marketing. If you haven’t heard of it, let me introduce you to ChatGPT – This is a very powerful tool that will literally write anything for you and it’s free! It will devise marketing strategies, suggest keywords and SEO for content, it will write the articles for you and, if you use Fotor, which is also free, you can also create images from text. Crazy, right?

However, this is a word of caution. All AI has limitations. When I tested Fotor text to image, some of the images produced were poor quality and, in one case scenario, the faces of the people in the photo were distorted; therefore not even minimally usable.

As for ChatGPT, we already know that search engines don’t like bot produced content. So, if you do use this AI to write your blog or advertising material, you will need to either re-write it or find another app, site or piece of software that will humanise it. That said, as I’m in the midst of writing another book, ChatGPT was extremely helpful as far as planning my chapters and their titles.

When I decided to mess with its circuits a little and get philosophical, it got really interesting. Hopefully, it will raise a smile or two!


I have to disagree when it says Energy is not a living entity because energy is, by itself, very much alive and active. The air we breathe is a perfect living testimony to that. However, this blog is not intended for debate purposes.

The screenshots below are more in keeping with what marketers might need. Again, caution! You will need to re-phrase and re-write in order to be search engine friendly.


It can help to identify content that should be in your blog or advertising.


You can ask all kinds of weird and wonderful questions relevant to what you want to know.

It also gives advice on how to rank better.

Please keep in mind that ChatGPT is only programmed to the year 2021. So, it’s not up to date with new and emerging items on the Internet BUT … it’s definitely something worth exploring that can potentially save lots of time, research and well … yes … living energy … Yours!

Happy days!

2 Responses

    1. Good morning Frank. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Nice to “virtually” meet you. ChatGPT is an amazing tool. I find it awe inspiring and frightening all at the same time. “Shorts” yes, in all honesty, I think that’s where my viewers comes from but they don’t seem to convert into subscribers. 🙁

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