Set backs and a mind blowing AI software review!

Welcome back! Thank you for being here and taking precious time to read this. I salute you all and hope you were showered with lots of love yesterday; not that we should need “One” specific day, a year, to celebrate love. We should do that every day!
Time is a ticking. 20 days have gone by since I started this challenge and have I ACTUALLY managed to earn money online? Well, heck yes! Boom! Not even enough to buy a bottle of water!!! Should I just admit defeat right now? Heck no! Pennies are pennies and if we look after them, they’ll grow into notes! (Said she with confidence lol)

Truth be known, I’ve had one setback after the other over the last 9 days since my last blog post. The realities of life have gotten in the way and sabotaged my time. Sadly, my father was taken into hospital and that meant, flying thousands of miles to get to him.
His situation has taken priority over my life. So, the Internet challenge had to be put on the back burner for a little while.
This last week has literally been a living testimony to how things can change from one moment to the next, how everything is not always in our control and how we have to learn to adapt. This is a lesson I think we’ve all had to learn, to some degree, during Covid and in this new post Covid era. If one other thing, aside from death, is guaranteed in life, that would be “CHANGE.” Everything is subject to it and the only thing that really matters, when change does happen, is how we react and adapt to it.
It’s not at all doom and gloom though. I have managed to get some research time in and I have to say that I’m in awe of all the new AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology that is flooding the Internet right now. I feel there is a lot of opportunity in it for Internet Marketers; especially for those of you who know what you’re doing (unlike me!)
Just today, I thought it was high time I posted a new video on my personal YouTube page to introduce the concept of Mind Transformation. BUT, since I’ve come to the conclusion that nowadays everything has to have a certain movement to it, to keep people interested, I thought I needed an engaging video. However, I didn’t have any video footage at hand, nor any notion of how to put one together (to be honest.) That’s when I came across Pictory.AI – It blew my mind!!! I have never come across a software that is so clever, powerful, brilliant; actually… pure genius as far as I’m concerned.
AI Genius!

It’s free to sign up and they allow you to create 3 videos completely free of charge (although they do keep a watermark logo on your project.) Obviously to get rid of the watermark and to create more content, there’s a monthly fee. However, for the amount of content you can produce, the price is very good. So, I decided to give it a go. I thought it was going to be hard for someone, like me, who’s not so tech savvy.
Try not to laugh but I literally spent a whole frustrating hour on my phone, the other day, just trying to install a blinkin’ app!!! (Best not to ask!!!) I tell you… I now appreciate my mum’s difficulties with her smartphone when they first came out!

After I signed up, I got this page. I selected the first option of “script to video” and uploaded into their script editor the text I’d written for the video I wanted to create.
After that, I recorded my own voice-over (separately) and uploaded that too; only to discover that they have very realistic sounding voices that could have done the voice-over for me. It’s almost impossible to tell he voice is AI.
Next, I selected a theme and added a little background music, which they provided. I clicked the generate button and the AI put it all together and in synch! My voice recording, the images, the music; everything matched up beautifully!
That is, of course, until I decided to change some of the script, knocked it all out of synch and then, couldn’t quite fathom how to edit it properly. So, I decided to leave it “as is” just in case I made a further mess of it. It shall stand as a living testimony to take the time to do things right the first time around and read the instructions on the package!!! Yeah … maybe not … that’s not my forte. I tend to just dive right in and figure it out along the way.
If you’d like to see the quality of the video and see what I did, here’s the link to it.
I think it’s an incredible tool that could take content creation to a whole new level but I also fear it will speed us up; whereas we should be slowing down. It certainly has the potential to make us more time efficient.
Anyway … Arrivederci for now chicos and chicas … Until the next blog!